Up for bid at the ATRA online Auction

Dyed Wool Airedale Rug

This gorgeous hand dyed wool hooked rug which measures 25" by 29" was made and donated by Karen Detrick. This beautiful piece is calling your name.

Collectable Ceramic Airedale

This eye catching ceramic Airedale with his paw in a bowl will capture your heart. He measures 4" wide and 3-1/2" inches high. On the bottom is found the words "Made in England" and "#154".

Groom Tool Set

Bid on this set of grooming tools for your pooch.  It comes with a roll up pouch with a place to keep it all organized. There are a pair of thinners ,curved scissors, 7"blunt scissors, 10" scissors, Oil, tartar scraper, and file.
